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Reflection, liberation and new beginnings

It is with great pleasure that I greet you at this time of spiritual convergence, marked by the observance of three significant religious celebrations: Easter (March 29-April 1), Spiritual Shouter Baptist Liberation Day (March 30), and Eid-ul-Fitr (April 10). This year, these observances are accompanied by an extraordinary cosmic event as four of our solar system’s planets-Venus, Mars, Saturn and Neptune-gracefully align on April 4.

Easter is a central tenet of Christian faith, celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ on the third day after his crucifixion. For Christians, Easter embodies the ultimate victory of life over death and good over evil. It is a period of joy and hope, emphasising the transformative power of Christ’s resurrection and offering a message of rebirth and the chance to start anew, both spiritually and in daily practice.

The Spiritual Baptist religion is influenced by African spiritual practices and has a distinct theological framework, beliefs and rituals. The Shouters Prohibition Ordinance of 1917 prohibited the practices of the Spiritual Baptist faith. The repeal of this ordinance in 1951 liberated the faith and enabled its practice without fear of legal repercussion. Spiritual Shouter Baptist Liberation Day celebrates this triumph over past oppression and marks a transformation of the faith and its expression.

Eid-ul-Fitr is a joyous occasion for Muslims as it marks the successful completion of Ramadan, a month dedicated to fasting, prayer and reflection. Zakaat, the charity given to the needy before the Eid prayers, reinforces the importance of generosity and social responsibility in Islam. For many Muslims, Eid-ul-Fitr symbolises a renewed commitment to discipline, faith and good deeds.

Similarly, in astrological terms, the alignment of planets is often associated with the dawn of new beginnings, signalling the end of past cycles and the emergence of fresh paths. The astrological concept of planetary alignments as a time for new beginnings aligns with these religious observances, each marking an important transition or transformation.

Each event, in its own distinct way, enriches our understanding of the mandate of the Equal Opportunity Tribunal as a transformative judicial institution. Together, the religious celebrations and the awe-inspiring planetary alignment remind us of the larger order to which we all belong, and the interconnectedness that transcends individual differences and underpin the work of the tribunal as a guardian of the diverse expressions of faith.

Joined by my family, I extend to you and your family our warmest wishes for a period of celebration filled with joy and meaningful reflection.

Justice Donna Prowell-Raphael, chairman and judge, Equal Opportunity Tribunal
