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Politicians, you are called to serve the people

As we serve others, we are working on ourselves; every act, every word, and every gesture of genuine compassion naturally nourishes our own hearts as well. It is not a question of who is healed first. When we attend to ourselves with compassion and mercy, more healing is made available for others. And when we serve others with an open and generous heart, great healing comes to us.’ – Wayne Muller, executive leadership mentor, therapist, minister, best- selling author.

We live in a world where serving, to some, seems like a small thing, but the greater you get, the more willing you should be to serve others. When you serve, wanting nothing in return out of a heart of love and seeing the fruits of your labour, it brings about a great joy and true sense of accomplishment.

When people elect a government or individual into office, it is for the purpose of representing them, and they automatically become servants of the people. They are there, listening to the people with the objective to make their lives better and advancing them in whatever way is possible. The politicians become their voice while in office.

We need to see much more of that. Too often, I have seen men and women elected to office and when they get there, they seem to have forgotten who put them there and the reason for doing so. Those same people who gave them the opportunity to represent them now turn to various forms of protest to get basic needs such as running water, proper roads, and schools that are functioning properly.

Every so often, citizens are spoken to in a condescending manner, as if they were little children; that can never be right. When politicians do this, they do not understand their mandate or the reason why they were put in office. Every so often, our politicians forget their beginnings and when they rise, they treat others with scant courtesy. The richest and most rewarding thing you can do for yourself and offer to others is genuine, love-motivated service. Our next general election is not far away. I do hope our twin islands will have politicians who will truly understand their calling, which is to serve the people. The motivating factor will not just be a pay cheque, perks, or a means to greater things for themselves; I hope that selfish attitude will not take over them. Service will be their passion, day and night.

Arnold Gopeesingh
San Juan
