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Dr. Diva Amon receives Anthony N. Sabga Award

The University of the West Indies is congratulating Dr. Diva Amon who was recently honoured with the Anthony N. Sabga Award, Caribbean Excellence, for her commitment to improving the conservation of Caribbean and global marine environments through marine science, policy, and communication.

Dr. Amon is a Research Fellow at the Department of Life Sciences, Faculty of Science and Technology.

She specializes in studying the lesser-known ecosystems and creatures of the deep sea, while also examining the effects of human activities on them.

Her work integrates science, policy, and communication, with a strong emphasis on advocating for conservation measures in the deep ocean and involving a wider range of international stakeholders in this crucial cause.

She has also participated in research expeditions globally and has been featured on prominent international platforms such as Disney+, National Geographic, BBC, and CNN International. Additionally, she leads SpeSeas, a group dedicated to marine science, education, and advocacy in Trinidad and Tobago, and serves as a scientific advisor to the Benioff Ocean Science Laboratory at the University of California, Santa Barbara.

Her accolades include the title of 2020 National Geographic Emerging Explorer and recognition as a Friend of Ocean Action by the World Economic Forum.

Professor Judith Gobin, Head of the Department of Life Sciences said, “Diva Amon is truly deserving of this recognition of significant Caribbean achievement in marine science, and the Department of Life Sciences and we are honoured to have her join us as we continue to engage in, encourage, and support marine and deep-sea science in the Caribbean; which no doubt, is of great benefit to the region.”
