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Use property tax for local projects

AS a local government representative, I wholeheartedly support the Minister of Rural Development and Local Government’s contribution to the debate on property tax legislation. The minister’s passionate defence of the proposed legislation resonates deeply with me as someone directly involved in local governance and community development.

One aspect of the minister’s argument that particularly resonates with me is the emphasis on utilising property tax revenue for local economic development projects. In my constituency, we’ve been struggling to secure funding for initiatives like community gardens and small-scale infrastructure projects. The prospect of having a reliable revenue stream from property taxes gives me hope that we can finally address these pressing needs.

For example, in the San Juan East community, there’s a vacant lot of land that has long been neglected. With the revenue generated from property taxes, we could transform this lot into a vibrant community space, complete with urban gardens, playgrounds and recreational facilities. Not only would this enhance the quality of life for residents, but it would also stimulate economic activity and foster a stronger sense of community cohesion.

Furthermore, the minister’s commitment to funding projects such as hydroponic agriculture is especially relevant to our region. With property tax revenue, we could invest in hydroponic farming initiatives that not only provide fresh produce to our residents but also create employment opportunities and boost local food security. This innovative approach to agriculture aligns perfectly with our community’s values of sustainability and self-sufficiency.

Additionally, the minister’s critique of the Opposition’s objections strikes a chord with me. It’s frustrating to witness political gamesmanship and obstructionism when what our communities truly need is decisive action and forward-thinking policies. The minister’s unwavering stance in the face of the Opposition underscores the Government’s dedication to delivering tangible results for our constituents.

In conclusion, I stand firmly behind the Government’s efforts to advocate for property tax legislation that will benefit our communities. Their passionate defence during the debate was welcomed. The Minister of Finance’s pragmatic approach and unwavering commitment to development resonate deeply with me as a councillor.

I am confident that the proposed legislation, under the Minister of Finance’s leadership, will pave the way for a brighter future for our burgesses, addressing funding shortfalls and driving meaningful progress in our communities.

Raphael John councillor
San Juan East
