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Tropical Depression possible later today

The weather system currently in the Atlantic now has a near 100 per cent chance of developing into a Tropical Depression in the next 24 hours, and this may happen later today.

This update, given at 2:00PM today by the National Hurricane Centre, also gives it a near 100 percent chance of development through 7 days.

At this time, the T&T Met Service says, the system poses no direct threat to Trinidad and Tobago and there are currently no Alerts, Watches or Warnings.

The NHC says Hurricane or Tropical Storm Watches could be required for portions of the Windward Islands tonight or early Saturday.

The initial outlook for T&T is for cloudy skies with showers and a medium to high chance of thunderstorm activity by Monday.

Sea conditions are expected to become further agitated, particularly along western and northern coastlines.
