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NWRHA comments on additional neonatal deaths

The NWRHA says recent claims of additional neonatal deaths at the Port of Spain General Hospital’s NICU must be “considered separately”.

This is contained in a statement labelled “Demise not connected to Bacterial Outbreak of the April Cluster Babies.”

In the release, the NWRHA specifically acknowledges the initial cluster of seven babies who passed away between April 4th and 9th 2024.

It says it has received Pre-Action Protocol letters from attorneys representing the parents of these neonates.

It also admits to receiving Pre-Action Protocol letters in relation to other neonates who would have passed away during an earlier period between February and March 2024.

With regard to these however, it insists that each baby’s circumstances must be examined carefully in its own right, adding that “anything occurring outside of the cluster in April must be considered separately”.

No further details or explanations were given, with the NWRHA instead saying that it is “constrained from speaking publicly about the specifics” since it is the subject of legal claims.

Meanwhile a follow-up release has been issued following what the NWRHA says has been “extensive negative media coverage and Pre-Action Protocol letters”.

In the statement, it seeks to explain the operations of the NICU, as it insists there is no breakdown of the healthcare system in T&T.

See the release below:


In the wake of  extensive negative media coverage and pre action protocol letters triggered by the tragic and unfortunate deaths of premature infants at the North West Regional Health Authority’s Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU), the Authority thinks it important to provide the general population with some context.

There has been a lot of speculation and misinformation put into the public domain which, given the legal actions taken by affected parties, we at the NWRHA are not in a position to correct. The NWRHA is constrained from speaking  publicly on the specifics of any of the events that occurred at all, and in particular with regard to the cluster of babies who passed away between the 4th and 9th April 2024.

This notwithstanding, we think it important to share some indisputable facts if only for general knowledge and to assure our current and future patient population. There has been no collapse or breakdown of the healthcare system in Trinidad and Tobago. This was an unfortunate and irresponsible statement. The nation’s healthcare facilities are fully functional, including the NICU at the Port of Spain General Hospital and the thousands of healthcare professionals who go out to work night and day to care for the nation’s sick, remain dedicated and professional in carrying out their duties.

The root cause of the infant deaths are still to be determined, and will be. Of equal importance is finding out how and why these deaths occurred and the steps necessary to prevent a recurrence. This is the subject of the investigation that is being conducted by PAHO at the request of the Ministry of Health alongside the NWHRA’s own internal investigation. We eagerly await their findings, and remain committed to cooperating fully with all enquiries.

The NWRHA’s NICU accepts the smallest and sickest babies from all the Regional Health Authorities, some smaller than 600 grams (1.3 lbs), who spend, on average, close to three months in the NICU before being discharged home. The average admission rate is 33 per month.

A neonate is any baby from birth to 28 days of life. In the NICU, the babies receive extra special care and attention to develop, grow and thrive so that they may eventually go home with their parents and have childhoods that are as normal as possible.

The smaller and more premature the baby is, the higher the risk of complications such as problems with brain development, cerebral palsy, blindness, chronic lung disease, deafness, infections and even death.

A full-term baby is delivered typically between 39 to 41 weeks. A baby is said to be early term between 37 weeks to 38 weeks and 6 days.  

All babies born before 37 weeks gestational age are considered to be preterm. Babies born preterm have many challenges to overcome since they are not fully developed and may need more help and support after delivery.

In 2023 there were 2,169 live births across the entire NWRHA. Of that number 403 or 19% were admitted to the NICU. 43% of the admissions were babies less than 2500 grams (5.5 lbs) while 21 % were less than 1500 grams (3.3 lbs).  Of those admitted to the NICU, sadly 19 passed away resulting in a Neonatal mortality rate of 8 per 1000 live births.

In 2022 the neonatal mortality rate was 6.2 per 1000 live births. There were less congenital anomalies.

According to a World bank report in 2021 the neonatal mortality rate for some of our neighbours in the Caribbean was as follows:

  • Barbados ​​​8 per 1000 live births
  • Suriname ​​​11 per 1000 live births
  • Jamaica​​​10 per 1000 live births
  • Guyana​​​17 per 1000 live births
  • Caribbean Small States 11 per 1000 live births

The NWRHA is deeply committed to adhering to established standards of care endorsed by international bodies and we continually strive to enhance care to meet the evolving needs of our Trinidad and Tobago.

This story has been updated.
