EMA investigates reported destruction of turtle nesting site

The EMA has launched an official investigation into the destruction of a turtle nesting site at Turtle Beach in Tobago.

This follows a video that recently surfaced on social media, showing what appears to be land works and crushed turtle eggs scattered along the Beach.

The EMA says officers from its Environmental Police Unit and the THA’s Division of the Environment conducted a joint site visit today to ascertain the extent of the works conducted.

It reminds that the beach is an important nesting site for leatherback turtles, which are protected by law as an Environmentally Sensitive Species.

It adds that habitat preservation is crucial for their annual nesting period between March and September.

It also warned that appropriate enforcement action will be taken against those committing acts in contravention of the requirement to refrain from any unauthorised activity impacting on the environment with respect to an ESS, pursuant to Section 62(d) Environmental Management Act, Chap. 35:05 (the Act).

According to the Act, “Any person who knowingly or recklessly undertakes or conspires to allow any activity in an environmentally sensitive area or with respect to an environmentally sensitive species designated under Section 41, which may have an adverse impact on the environment within such area or on such species, commits an offence.”

The EMA adds that persons committing an offence involving any of the ESS, including the five turtles, can be imprisoned for two years and pay a fine of $100,000.00.

Members of the public are advised to come forward with any information on who was responsible for the act, including video and photographic evidence that may have captured the equipment doing the clearing.

One can report by contacting the EMA’s Hotline at 367-8824 (submit contact information, locations, photos or video recordings ONLY from mobile devices.
