Desalcott agrees to postpone annual maintenance shutdown

Desalcott has agreed to postpone its annual maintenance shutdown.

This announcement came today from WASA’s Acting CEO Kelvin Romain, who outlined supply difficulties being experienced by the Authority.

He says production at some major treatment facilities are being negatively impacted by hotter and drier than usual conditions this wet season.

He says these have also resulted in considerably below long-term average levels at three out of the four major reservoirs.

Because of this, Mr Romain says Public Utilities Minister Marvin Gonzales reached out to Desalcott.

According to WASA:
• Caroni/Arena is at 35.8% capacity, with an LTA of 76.4%
• Hollis is at 32.7% capacity, with an LTA of 69.7%
• Navet is at 45.4% capacity, with an LTA of 77.1%

The only reservoir above its Long Term Average is Hillsborough in Tobago, which is currently at 98.4% capacity, with an LTA of 79.8%

WASA says mitigation measures have been activated in response to this situation including a redistribution of the supply from more resilient areas to adversely affected areas, revised national water supply schedules, and increased water trucking capacity with regional trucking schedules.

Also speaking today was WASA’s Director of Operations Shaira Ali, who said plans have been put forward to deal with the situation and prepare for the 2025 dry season.

She adds that innovative solutions to diversify T&T’s water resources are also being explored, such as the development of groundwater wells, new water sources and desalination plants.
