Crack down on shady insurance practices

Having read Mr Richard Deane’s negative opinion of the errant behaviour and unfair strategies of insurance companies in T&T, firstly, I have to wonder what really the Supervisor of Insurance is doing to protect the interest of innocent policyholders.

Besides what Mr Deane stated-that insurance companies simply do not like to pay just claims, which is very true-there are many other issues, one of which being that they would collect huge premiums on overstated values from unaware owners who have no idea of depreciated values.

Instead, the insurers would let a person pay the same overstated premium year after year, although they know very well the car owner is paying more than he or she should. Then, when you have a claim, they will say the policy was overstated-but they are not ashamed about collecting huge premiums on overstated car values, or even refunding past premiums wrongly collected.

There is a case in the High Court now relating to a vehicle that mashed up the wall of my son’s property in Panka Street because two persons were fighting each other using their cars. I am protected by third party insurance, and do you know the insurance company said they are not paying the claim because the vehicle was used as a weapon? The matter is now in the High Court.

I am also aware some car rental companies are using private registered vehicles to save costs, which is illegal. The police give a pass to small private cars because the Government wants to help citizens with their transport difficulties. But now, the car rental companies have taken advantage of this easeup. And the insurers have no objection to insuring such illegal licensed vehicles, too.

This is a serious matter for the Commissioner of Transport in the Licensing Office to intervene and collect the proper taxes related to rental vehicles. As usual, the innocent taxpayers have to bear the brunt of wrongdoings.

Peter S Moralles Cascade
