Yes, love is the answer

IN the chaos, uncertainty and conflict we are now experiencing in the world today, the only solution is love.

Self-interest or selfishness is predominant worldwide, and rearing its ugly head in Trinidad. It is evident in the way we drive, in the way we transact business, and in our daily interactions in schools and the workplace. ‘Love thy neighbour as thyself’ seems to be a watchword of the past.

We live in a world of labels: ethnic, religious, economic status, party affiliation and education. The problem is that our label is always better than theirs- and we choose to love and show greater empathy to those belonging to our label.

The most powerful weapon to destroy the forces of evil rampant in the world today is love. Everyone must try to understand this love principle. However, people today are only pursuing money and power.

According to Sathya Sai: ‘This love is formless, beyond the mind and speech, and cannot be expressed in words. It can only be experienced. The reason for all the troubles in the world today is the lack of such love. People have love that is self-centred and focused on the body.’

We live in a world of uncertainty, fear and endless challenges. We need to understand that these challenges are not obstacles but learning experiences in the University of Life.

The diamond only gets its sparkle after it is cut and chiselled many times.

Sathya Sai says: ‘The whole world must be transformed into the love principle. Only then can the difficulties, hatred, and envy be eliminated. Today, envy is a wicked disease. One household is jealous of the other household. One person is envious of the other. One village is envious of the other. One country is envious of the other. This envy is widespread. Therefore, first, we should eliminate this envy. Remove this hatred. Remove the anger. How to remove these three? Only through love.’

Let us embrace our humanness once again. Let us see beyond labels, and recognise that we are all connected at some level.

Let us once again begin to love our neighbours as ourselves.

Ragubance Tewari Champs Fleurs
