We simply need nice people

WHEN you turn to our legal system, one must also ask: do our magistrates and judges see beyond the theatrics of lawyers to get to the truth? Can they discern what remains unsaid or cannot be said? It is critical that they do, for justice is not only about the words spoken but the intent behind them.

Then, there is the question of giving credit where credit is due. Are we a society that acknowledges merit and integrity? What about the man who refuses a bribe because it is immoral, not just illegal? It’s easy to follow the rules when eyes are watching, but true integrity is displayed when no one is. I recall a prime example during the Covid-19 pandemic. Taxi fares were increased to deal with the load restrictions for social distancing-a fair response to an urgent need. However, once the restrictions were lifted, not one taxi service reverted to the pre-pandemic fares.

Instead, they concocted flimsy excuses to justify maintaining the price hike. This behaviour raises the question: are we a society that prioritises fairness, or do we take every opportunity to put self-interest first, even if it means burdening others unnecessarily?

And what about those who represent us-the politicians, public figures and leaders? Are they genuinely serving their communities, or are they simply doing it for the picture and social media post to secure their next election?

The rise of superficial engagement is a symptom of a much deeper issue: a disconnect between responsibility and service. Too often, we see representatives who seem more interested in maintaining their fancy positions and offices than in truly listening to the needs of their electorate.

Teachers, who are tasked with nurturing the next generation, also raise concern. Are they actively moulding young minds, or are they just occupying their jobs, waiting for an opportunity to move on to something better? This is especially troubling because the children in their care represent the future of this nation. If educators are disengaged, what hope do we have for the next generation?

We need people who are not so quick to throw others under the bus just to secure their own selfish ascension. The way forward for our society is not through stepping on others, but through collective upliftment. We need people who understand hard work and sacrifices lead to greater accomplishments, better rewards, and a stronger nation.

If we are to transform our society from one that appears increasingly selfish and self-serving into one that truly values fairness, empathy and integrity, we need nice people. People who do the right thing, even when it’s inconvenient. People who aren’t motivated solely by personal gain, but who have an endearing desire to nurture goodness and make our society better.

We don’t need heroes or grand gestures to solve all our problems. What we need is for ordinary citizens to be fair, thoughtful and kind in their everyday interactions.

We need people who do their work with integrity, who value honesty, and who have the courage to refuse shortcuts for personal gain. A society filled with such people is one that will rise above the sham and drudgery of selfishness and cynicism.

In the end, the solution to many of our problems is simple-we just need nice people.

Abdon Mason
Pt Fortin
