WASA: Reservoirs remain low

Levels at the nation’s reservoirs remain low, despite the early start to the 2024 Wet Season.

WASA says as at today, levels at levels at Arena, Navet, Hollis and Hillsborough remain below their Long Term Averages (LTA).

The lowest is Arena which is currently at 26.6% with an LTA of 54.8%.

WASA says the low levels are due to the harsh dry season, which has also forced a cut back on production at all of its major surface water treatment plants.

At present, it says the cutbacks account for an approximately 45 million gallons per day (mgd) deficit in its overall water production.

Among the facilities affected are the Caroni Water Treatment Plant where production has been reduced from the normal 75 to 45 mgd; Navet, from 19.8 to 15 mgd; Hollis, from 8.4 to 5 mgd; North Oropouche, from 20 to 14 mgd; similarly, in Tobago, the Courland, Richmond, Kings Bay and Hillsborough West WTPs have experienced a combined reduction in production from 4.6 to 1.9 mgd.

It is also looking forward to increased rainfall, which it hopes will help to recharge reservoirs and rivers, and allow a resumption of normal production levels at its plants.
