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Vetting the vetted units

The society is going through an avalanche of failed recycled solutions. Leadership is showing chronic diminishing returns. Institutions are in stalemate and appear disenfranchised. Citizens, like hungry chickens, are waiting to be fed anything that makes sense and are functional.

If there were vetted units previously, why were they discontinued?

Are we in the habit of discarding things that worked well? Or are these units going to be the handmaiden of the authorities in power? What guarantee is there that these recycled recommendations will work this time around.

Who is going to choose and how are the members of these units going to be selected?

If the selectors themselves are not squeaky clean, the selectees will also be contaminated. If the process is faulty, then the results are going to be unreliable.

How will integrity be measured or tested for authenticity?

Money has a way of spoiling the intentions of good men. Things measured in monetary terms undergo constant re-evaluation. At some point in time units will have zero integrity because of the “sell-out.”

How much is the worth of the integrity of vetted units?

Integrity is an invaluable intangible. Every man has a price and can be bought. Cheap things are not good and good things are not cheap. Can we really place a price on integrity?

Are these units going to be subjected to polygraph testing and how often?

Human behaviour is fickle. Only the intangibles of the person must affect the outcome. For verification no test result must have to be subjected for human interpretation.

How often will the integrity fees be revised?

With the rising cost of living and currency devaluation, integrity will have to be revalued from time to time or be subjected to amortisation.

Will the members of these units wear body cameras when on duty?

For whatever reason, the authorities cannot get police officers to wear body cameras. Digital recording of these encounters with the public is part of the integrity. The truth can be questionable if there is no digital recording.

Are these units going to act as macos in the service or will they be well-known in the service and to the public?

To separate the goat from the sheep is to expose the units to envy and violence. To keep them unknown is to form an internal secret service or, as some people prefer, a mongoose gang.

Could the word of these units be contested in a court of law?

Where on this Earth can we find the truth or people whose behaviour is flawless? Even leaders falter at times. We could be looking for a needle in a haystack

Can members of a unit squeal on fellow members who are bringing the unit into disrepute?

If the units are not serving the purpose they were intended it means integrity is being depreciated, no longer has value or is compromised and the units should be disbanded.

Creativity is lacking and it appears that the criminals are ahead. Misdiagnosis of the disease will result in mistreatment.

