Members of the trade union movement have delivered a letter to the Office of the Prime Minister, on behalf of workers.
The letter, delivered during a gathering on Saturday, calls for government to reverse its decision to accept the report of the Salaries Review Commission.
The report recommends salary increases for public officials including the Prime Minister, President and Opposition Leader.
The letter also calls for, among other demands, the settling of all long outstanding negotiations and the reopening of wage talks in cases where government’s 4% offer had been accepted.
Additionally, it mentions port workers and urges government to implement an agreement that was agreed to between the Port Authority and the SWWTU.
That agreement has been at the core of recent protests at the port.
The union’s letter also calls for the implementation of a living wage and an increase in old age pension.
It adds a demand for the Finance Minister to be investigated regarding the recent court case with the Auditor General, in which a Lord asked why Mr Colm Imbert was not being investigated regarding a $2.5 billion understatement in this country’s 2023 public financial records.