UDECOTT responds to claims about Skinner Park refurbishment

UDECOTT is today refuting comments made by Opposition MP Dr Roodal Moonilal about the Skinner Park Refurbishment Project.

Speaking on a UNC platform earlier this week, Dr Moonilal claimed the project cost almost $200 million although the venue still had the “same Skinner Park gate, the same fence and the same lawn tennis court.”

In media release, UDECOTT says this is a complete fabrication, noting that the gate was restored and kept as a heritage item by request of stakeholders.

Regarding the cost of the project, the company says it came in at $131 million – an increase in cost over the original contract for $127 million due to variations to some aspects of the works.

UDECOTT is also dismissing the claim that the pavilion was constructed in the wrong place, rendering the venue useless.

It notes that the original football field was oriented in an east-west direction which posed a challenge to players due to the position of sun.

UDECOTT says the new pavilion was moved from the south to the west of the facility and is now best suited for use.
