Two centenarians honoured by Ministry

The Ministry of Social Development and Family Services has recognized two centenarians who celebrated their remarkable milestones on Thursday 23rd November 2023.

They are Ms Selvin Mohammed of Chaguanas who celebrated her 101st birthday and Ms Mildred Simpson who entered the esteemed centenarian club marking her 100th birthday in San Fernando.

Both centenarians credited prayer as the secret to longevity.

Visiting both centenarians was Minister of Social Development and Family Services, Senator the Honourable Donna Cox to honour them under the Ministry’s National Centenarian Programme, where persons one hundred years and over, are recognized for their lifetime of wisdom, resilience, and invaluable contributions to society.

Minister Cox also praised the family of long-livers as also joining the celebration was Ms. Mohammed’s sister Uni Khateejah Mohammed who celebrated her 99th birthday on November 5th, 2023. The mother of seven (7), grandmother of fifteen (15), and great-grandmother of twenty-one (21) also told the Minister that her brother who was not present at the celebration is ninety-two (92) years.

Proving that mobility is no barrier, Ms Mildred Simpson who currently uses a wheelchair danced to Voice’s “Cheers to Life” at her birthday celebration. The new centenarian told the Minister that back in her days, she was versed in many dance styles including the Fox Trot, Jive, and Waltz. She further noted that she is indeed thankful that she was granted the ability to reach a century and credited her faith in God, a clean heart, and healthy eating to this achievement.

Ms Mohammed and Ms Simpson both received a Certificate of Honour and Achievement, a hamper sponsored by NAMDEVCO, and a birthday cake sponsored by the Kiss Baking Company.
