T&T’s Palestine hypocrisy

The government of Barbados announced that it would be recognising the State of Palestine. This week, our own government in Jamaica recognised the State of Palestine.

These recognitions came only a few days after the United States vetoed at the UN Security council a vote to grant Palestine full member status. The United States was the only country to do so.

One must commend the leadership of Jamaica and Barbados for standing up on principled positions and taking a strong leadership role. The recognition of and the timing to recognise Palestine fully exposed the hypocrisy of certain nations and their leaders, including Trinidad and Tobago.

The Bajan Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, Kerrie Symmonds, laid bare this hypocrisy when he said, ‘Ironically, despite having said to the world that we would like to see a twostate solution, Barbados itself has never recognised the State of Palestine. And, therefore, there is an incongruity and inconsistency because how can we say we want a twostate solution if we do not recognise Palestine as a state?’

The Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of Trinidad and Tobago have said they support the two-state solution. It is now time that they both remove Trinidad and Tobago from this hypocritical position and immediately recognise the State of Palestine.

Trinidad and Tobago and Bahamas are the only two Caribbean nations that to date have failed to recognise Palestine. What a disgrace from two countries which emerged from colonialism and slavery. Trinidad and Tobago must act now; no Caricom nation should be amongst the last set of nations to recognise Palestine.

This Government cannot continue to say one thing and do another. Neither can it continue to hide behind its statements in support of a two-state solution. Trinidad and Tobago needs to walk the walk and stop the talk. Take the moral and just position!

Trinidad and Tobago must take further action to support an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and the West Bank, an end to the genocide, the removal of all illegal Israeli settlements, and call out Israel on its breaches of human rights, international law and blatant war crimes.

Stop the hypocrisy now. Recognise Palestine.

Jalil S Dabdoub attorney-at-law, Jamaica
