TTPS: video with adult wining on a child is from Antigua

The viral video showing a woman wining on a child is from Antigua.

According to the TTPS’ Cyber and Social Media Unit, the video is also old, dating back several years to 2019.

After the video began circulating during T&T’s recent Carnival celebrations, an investigation was launched to determine if the offence of sexual touching of a child was committed contrary to Section 19 of the Children Act.

The TTPS says the video originated in Antigua and Barbuda for Carnival celebrations in St. John’s.

It adds that the number plate seen on a white truck, though not fully visible, is that of an Antiguan number plate design.

The TTPS also says while the video clip did not originate in this country, persons should still desist from sharing it and any video of this nature, as doing so may amount to child pornography contrary to Section 40 of the Children Act.
