TTPS receives Road Safety Award

The TTPS has been awarded the Ministry of Works and Transport’s Woodside Energy, Road Safety Award.

It came as T&T was one of 10 countries worldwide that managed to reduce road traffic fatalities by 50% in 2021.

The Award was presented to Police Commissioner Erla Christopher by Arrive Alive President Sharon Inglefield.

The Awards are held annually by Arrive Alive, however, the event was not held in 2022 as such, the ceremony was held in 2023, and the Road Safety Award was presented today.

On June 7th 2023, the TTPS, Traffic and Highway Patrol Branch copped 27 awards for Outstanding Performance in Traffic Enforcement, Leadership in Road Safety, Dedication to Road Safety in the Line of Duty and Special Efforts in Road Safety Education through Community Engagement.

A group award was also presented to the Motor Cycle Section.

After the ceremony, both CoP Harewood-Christopher and Ingelfield held talks about both agencies working closer together to bolster safety initiatives, enforcement and developing a working relationship with the Victim and Witness Support Unit and their programmes.
