TTPS: illegal quarrying tied to gang-warfare, murders

The TTPS says illegal quarrying, illegal gambling and illicit trade are criminal activities closely tied to criminality, including murders.

In a statement issued today, it says Deputy Police Commissioner ‘Intelligence and Investigations’, Curt Simon, met with the Multi-Agency Task Force on Monday 7th August, 2023.

During this time, he urged vigilance against those attempting to corrupt law enforcement processes and vowed to provide whatever resources the TTPS possesses, to further advance the Task Force’s approach to policing and combating criminality.

Meanwhile, MATF Head, ASP Haynes, said a main challenge is the illegal occupation of State lands – according to him, this is a precursor to illegal quarrying activities, which then erupts into gang warfare for State lands.

According to the TTPS, MATF has investigated over 120 complaints resulting in the seizure of eight excavators, one bulldozer, 13 trucks and the arrest of 18 persons for the offence of digging and removing mineral.

11 of those persons have since been charged.

ASP Haynes said the MATF Quarrying Team has been instructed to collaborate with the Commissioner of State Lands and the Land Settlement Agency to regain control of State Lands.

The TTPS also listed other MATF successes as: $122.8 million in taxes to be collected as a result of its exercises and $114,920 seized in relation to illegal gambling activities.
