TTCSI, AMCHAM comment on SoE

The T&T Coalition of Services Industries says it fully supports the initiatives undertaken by Government to address pervasive criminal activity.

A media statement was issued following Government’s decision to declare a State of Emergency.

The move will see additional powers for police and defence force officers, however there will not be a curfew or any restrictions on gatherings.

TTCSI CEO Daren Lee Sing welcomed the assurance that the measure will not disrupt economic activities.

He said, “We are pleased that there is no curfew at this time, which allows law-abiding citizens and businesses to continue their operations uninterrupted. By targeting criminal elements while preserving the operations of businesses and industries, this initiative strikes a crucial balance between national security and economic stability.”

Meanwhile AMCHAM T&T said it is pleased that the Government is taking additional steps to combat out-of-control crime in T&T.

It said the murder toll for 2024 shows that additional measures need to be implemented as the current approaches are not working.

It added, “AMCHAM T&T will also be concerned about any measures that curtail civil liberties. As such, while we are supportive of the SoE in the manner it has been announced, at this time, we await both the regulations with appropriate safeguards against the potential arbitrary abuse of power by individual members of the protective services. Additionally, we look forward to the establishment of the Special Tribunal to ensure the preservation of the rule of law and individual rights in this period.”
