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T&T formally establishes diplomatic relations with Palestine

T&T has formally established diplomatic relations with the State of Palestine.

A Joint Communiqué was signed in New York yesterday by Foreign Affairs Minister Dr. Amery Browne and Dr. Mohammad Mustafa, Prime Minister of the State of Palestine.

It followed T&T’s recognition of the State of Palestine on May 2nd 2024.

The Ministry says the establishment of diplomatic relations with the State of Palestine is rooted in T&T’s ongoing commitment, at both the regional and multilateral levels, to contribute to international peace and security.

It says the signing also “reinforces the call for a peaceful resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, with a two-state solution that guarantees the security of Israel and the right of Palestine to an independent, viable and sovereign state within the pre-1967 borders.”

Most recently, T&T endorsed the September 13th 2024 Resolution on the International Court of Justice advisory opinion on Israel’s occupation of Palestinian territories whereby the Court deemed Israel’s occupation of Palestine to be unlawful and urged that it be brought in line with international law.

The signing meanwhile is one of Minister Browne’s major engagements at the commencement of the High-Level Week of the 79th Session of the UN General Assembly in New York.
