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Time to proclaim pan

Greetings to the national community! Special greetings to all members of the pan fraternity!

For the moment, time is on our side. Let your voices be heard by appealing to the powers-that-be to “officially proclaim” pan, via parliamentary procedure, as being the national musical instrument of Trinidad and Tobago, thereby elevating its national and international status to that of all our National Emblems and symbols e.g, the Flag, the Coat of Arms, the Birds, the National Anthem, etc.

The thought of any attempt to usurp pan by a foreign country – as has happened to our Caricom neighbour concerning its huge reserves of mineral wealth – must never become a reality!

Pan is our first national! It preceded our attainment of both independent and republican political status and interestingly enough, the second item on our recently inaugurated President Christine Kangaloo’s “wish list,” which was made public when she addressed the ceremonial opening of the fourth session of the 12th Parliament, was to have steelpan proclaimed as the national instrument.

Shortly afterwards it was reported that Independent Senator Sunity Maharaj filed a motion calling for pan to be declared the national instrument. That particular newspaper headline read, “Make it law!”

Pan is our gift to the world, thanks to its creators, musical technicians, pannists and ambassadors.

It has officially earned and occupies a unique place in global music. The General Assembly of the United Nations, “in acknowledging that pan promotes inclusive societies, sustainable communities, and creative economies and can have a positive effect on mental health and well-being, gender equality and youth empowerment,” decided to proclaim August 11 annually as World Steelpan Day.

Trinidad and Tobago, the birthplace of pan, must complete the formal process of proclaiming it as the national musical instrument, sooner rather than later!

Let’s ensure that pans’ official proclamation occurs during our lifetime.


Petit Valley
