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Stop ridiculing men

As a young man, I am fed up with these gender-based violence movements making waves in the media. The last straw was Sharon Clark Rowley’s interview on TV6 with Marlan Hopkinson last Monday. There are only two genders-male and female. Why call it gender-based violence? Violence is violence, anyhow you take it. These gender-based violence movements are nothing but man-hating movements-in other words, misandry. They are peddled by left wing feminists who have an agenda against masculinity and the patriarchy.

Men’s mental health is not taken seriously; nice guys get walked all over.

Feminism has created a behaviour of unaccountability and ‘Do as I say and not as I do’ in females. They insist on not needing a man and celebrating working in a male-dominated field. Alimony fraud and exploitation is not taken seriously; as a matter of fact, females celebrate it.

In 2024, what rights does a man have that a woman doesn’t? There is a war on masculinity, and there is war against fathers, where feminists insist on being or eliminating the father figure.

Men in 2024 have to walk on eggshells. We are heckled for chivalry and labelled ‘mansplaining’ for being a gentleman. Respect is earned. Unrealistic expectations are being labelled as ‘standards’ and ‘setting boundaries’, and the man is somehow to be blamed. Now, Mrs Rowley hasn’t gotten the message yet, but the choice of partner has a lot to do with domestic violence.

Men need to be their best selves. We need masculinity. The world needs strong male role models. Society needs fathers, and having the opposite gender ridicule our protective, problem-solving, provisional nature is part of the problem.

Violence, period, is unacceptable. Peace through strength is the answer to solving conflict. Compromise between both genders is the way forward.

Kendell Karan
