SewaTT & OJTD team up to provide professional attire to trainees

SewaTT and the On-the-Job Training Division have teamed up for an initiative called ‘Suit Up for 2025’.

This saw them distribute gently used professional attire to Trainees of the OJT Programme within the Central Region.

The outfits were donated by business professionals who participated in SewaTT’s most recent Clothing Recycle Drive.

The Labour Ministry says 80 trainees visited the Divali Nagar between November 27th and 29th 2024 where volunteers helped them select items of clothing – at no cost – to add to their 2025 career wardrobe.

Regarding the initiative, Varuna Samaroo, Operations Officer at SewaTT said, “We are in our 5th year of our Clothing Recycle Project and were thrilled to partner this year with the OJT Division, and felt the event was a success. It brings us great joy to see recipients’ happiness with much gratitude as they received these professional garments, knowing that they will make a meaningful difference in their lives in the work environment. Together, we are not just recycling clothing; we are empowering individuals to step confidently into their futures.”

The Ministry says it has been further engaged by SewaTT to execute a second instalment of this professional clothing drive in early 2025, where 50 bags of professional wear were received for scores of other Trainees to benefit.

This people centred collaborative initiative strengthens the OJTPDivision’s effortsin the fulfilment of its objective to preparing our Trainees for the World of Work by meeting their needs on a wholistic basis.
