Several UNC MPs rally behind Kamla Persad-Bissessar

A number of UNC MPs are rallying behind political leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar, following calls to set a date for the party’s internal election.

At a media briefing yesterday, Mayaro MP Rushton Paray insisted that a date must be set for the poll which he says is constitutionally due in June 2024.

He also speculated that a deliberate attempt is being made to bypass the poll.

In a statement today, Fyzabad MP Dr. Lackram Bodoe insisted that support for Mrs. Persad Bissessar in his constituency “remains resolute”.

He also insisted that there has been no indication from the NATEX regarding any postponement of the internal elections.

Shots have also seemingly been taken at Mr Paray, who said during the conference that he had been warned that speaking out would be “political suicide”.

In his statement, Couva North MP Ravi Ratiram who said “Anyone attempting to distract us from our focus of removing this uncaring Rowley administration, by attempting to introduce irrelevant issues, are either very misguided, possess ulterior motives, or they are simply attempting to play smart with foolishness.”

Meanwhile, Barataria/San Juan MP Saddam Hosein insisted that “certain officials” were trying to distract the UNC from its goal of taking on the current Government in a General Election.
