SDMS Pandits’ Parishad calls for apologies from PM, Opposition Leader

The Pandits’ Parishad of the Sanatan Dharma Maha Sabha is calling for apologies from the Opposition Leader and the Prime Minister, for recent comments.

Following a stone throwing incident at an Ashram in Beaucarro and an arson attack on a Ravan effigy in Tarouba, Mrs Kamla Persad-Bissessar and Dr Keith Rowley agreed that these should not be viewed as religious intolerance or an attack on Hindus.

In a statement, the Pandits’ Parishad pointed to these incidents, along with another in May 2022 which saw intruders stealing items, damaging property and cooking beef on the premises of the Carapo Shiva Mandir.

It says the attacks showed an intent to defile the sanctity of religious institutions.

It also dismisses what it says is the misleading view that the SDMS believes only Hindus are being attacked.

It acknowledges attacks at other religious spaces and is calling for increased police presence around all places of worship.

Moving forward, the Parishad wants to see the establishment of a Religious Freedom Committee whose main objectives would be:

  • To monitor and produce reports / recommendations on the status of religious freedom and intolerance in Trinidad and Tobago
  • To promote unity and harmony in a diverse and plural society such as ours
  • To contribute towards maintaining peace and stability in our society
  • To act in a consultative role, if needed, for the development of relevant legislation, with reference to what obtains in other jurisdictions and for the maintenance of the rule of law

It says a formal invitation to other religious leaders will follow shortly after Divali, which is being celebrated on November 12th.
