Roof Systems & partners launch ‘Under One Roof SEA Competition 2024’

Roof Systems has launched an art and craft competition for students in Standard 5 (or equivalent).

The ‘Under One Roof SEA Competition 2024’ sees the company partner with Republic Bank Ltd, John Dickinson & Co. Ltd, Chuck E Cheese and Bubble Cupps.

Students can register via the link on the company’s Instagram profile and Facebook page – candidates have until the May 16th 2024 to complete registration.

Entrants will have approximately 4 weeks to create a structure of which the main focal point is the roof and its design according to functionality and strength.

They can use a variety of materials, but are limited with use of some tools and materials in accordance to the outline of the rules.

They will be required to build the roof and tell a short story on who or what they are choosing to protect with this structure in hopes of spreading the message of the importance of shelter for mankind’s survival.

Each candidate will be asked to submit a one minute video via WhatsApp by June 6th 2024, showing their structure and explaining why and who they built it to protect.

On June 14th 2024, the Top 10 finalists will be invited with their structures to Mille Fleurs around the Queen’s Park Savannah, where they will learn about architecture in Trinidad and await final judging by an esteemed panel.

1st, 2nd and 3rd place finalists will receive $3,000, $2,000 and $1,000 start up accounts with Republic Bank respectively, while the remaining seven finalists will also receive a $300 Start Up Account from Republic Bank along with vouchers and prizes from Chuck E Cheese, Maped and Bubble Cupps.
