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Property tax using unrealistic rental values

I AM writing to bring attention to a matter of grave concern that affects citizens across our community: the arbitrary, unreasonable and unrealistic rental values being applied by the Government for the calculation of property tax.

Recent assessments have revealed a concerning trend where the Government is using rental values that do not align with the actual market conditions. This has resulted in inflated property tax calculations, placing an undue burden on property owners.

I strongly advise all citizens to consult with their attorneys to challenge these values if they find them unreasonable or unrealistic. You have a right to do so!

It is crucial for property owners to be vigilant and assert their rights in the face of arbitrary assessments that could lead to financial strain.

We must not allow the Government to extract more funds from hard-working citizens for pilfering and wasteful spending. It is the responsibility of every citizen to question and challenge unfair practices that directly impact their financial wellbeing.

I urge every citizen to seek legal guidance to address these concerns.

By taking a stand against unreasonable property tax assessments, we can work towards a fair and transparent system that truly reflects the market realities.

Thank you for providing a platform to voice these concerns, and I trust that our country will unite to address this pressing issue.

Siddharta Ramischand attorney-at-law
