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POSINCO-TCDC matter still active before the court

A Court is yet to issue a final determination in the matter involving the Port of Spain Infrastructure Company and the T&T Commercial Development Company with regard to the MovieTowne premises in Port of Spain.

Last Friday, POSINCO took control of the compound which is leased to TCDC.

At a court hearing yesterday, an order was made where POSINCO retained its right of re-entry and consequent possession of the premises.

There was also an order for TCDC to pay $3 million on or before August 28th 2024 – this represents part of the rental arrears reportedly owed.

In a statement, POSINCO says the TCDC’s application for interim relief is still an active matter before the Court, as several orders were made for the filing of further affidavit evidence.

Also during the hearing yesterday, it was suggested that tenants at the compound seek legal advice regarding the payment of their monthly rent.

The date of the next hearing is yet to be set.

