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Police investigating video showing a child being beaten

The TTPS is investigating a video circulating on social media, in which a man is seen beating a child.

The Children’s Authority says once the video came to its attention, the customary procedures were put in place, and the police contacted.

The Authority’s Emergency Response Team was also activated and is conducting a full investigation into the incident and the circumstances surrounding it.

In light of this incident, Children’s Authority  Director/CEO Sheldon Cyrus is appealing to persons to rethink and reframe their approach to discipline.

It is urging parents & caregivers to:

  • Reinforce boundaries and expectations of behaviour
  • Reward good behaviours
  • Administer consequences for undesirable actions immediately or close in time to the infraction, and in a manner that is age and developmentally appropriate and proportionate to the infraction
  • Discuss with your child the inappropriate behaviour you want to see changed
  • Use time-out or take away privileges from children: such as games, devices, outdoor events or playing with friends for a short period of time.
  • Avoid disciplining children when angry as heightened emotions can make matters worse. Instead, walk away, take deep breaths and try talking to your child about the unacceptable behaviour when you have calmed down
  • Seek professional help, especially when dealing with children who may be displaying challenging behaviours

Persons are also being urged to report abuse to the Hotline at 996 or the Police at 999.

They can also reach out to the following agencies for support:

  1. The Ministry of Social Development and Family Services: 800-1673
  2. The National Family Services Division: 623-2608 ext. 6701-6711
  3. The Student Support Services Division of the Ministry of Education: 724-1010
  4. Childline: 131
