Parents, let your voices be heard

This letter is in response to Angelique Nixon, director of the Coalition Advocating for Inclusion of Sexual Orientation, otherwise known as CAISO – such a culturally appealing acronym – whose article ‘CAISO concerned about misinformation within society’ appeared in the papers last week.

We appreciate the calming tone of the article, but as parents, we need to address the issues outlined. Firstly, the response of parents to the books at a local bookstore is NOT out of fear, but of concern of their potential rights and responsibilities being usurped. There is a big difference.

Secondly, the hype, in Bahamas, Barbados and may states in the US is because parents are waking up to the fact that no regard is being shown for their value systems at many public institutions, especially regarding the young, impressionable hearts and minds of their children, and they are standing and defending these principles. When Mr Abdulah asked the representative from RIK, ‘What exactly is the educational benefit of this book to our young children?’ What was the response – SILENCE (this spoke volumes). These are the principles on which a bookstore should determine what books are chosen to sell in a store, NOT the claim indicated in the release. This is the issue that we, as parents are concerned about, and rightly so.

With regard to the issues related to sexuality, our children need to first turn to their parents, not a third party, to get their questions answered. We, as parents, if we do not have the answers, need to look for them, and not pass the buck. Websites like www.canvox. com, https:// personandidentity. com/, https:// www. advocatesprotectingchildren. org/ https:// www. caettt. com/ further- reading- and-resources/ have been created primarily for this very purpose, to educate parents on getting involved to be able to have the conversations with our children and help and guide them in all aspects of life.

The reality is everything our children take in through all their senses remains in their subconscious and will always affect the decisions that they make in life. Wake up, parents in T&T, be there for our children, have the conversations, our voices are the most powerful influencers, let us use them!!

M Harding
