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Opposition writes to PM requesting election observers

Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar has formally written to the Prime Minister asking him to ensure the presence of independent observers for the upcoming General Elections.

In the letter, she called on Dr Keith Rowley to commit to issuing the relevant invitations to major international and regional observer bodies as soon as possible.

She also insisted that several concerns about T&T’s electoral process continue to be a major issue, including the decision in 2015 to extend voting by one hour, the lack of observers in the 2020 General Election, and the error made in Lengua/Indian Walk for the 2023 Local Government Election.

Today in the Lower House, Dr Rowley responded to the Opposition’s call for election observers, saying any such consideration will come at the appropriate time.

Dr Rowley added that for several legal matters brought by the Opposition regarding election conduct, in every context, the elections were found to be free and fair.
