Opposition Leader’s New Year’s Greeting

The Opposition Leader, in her New Year’s greeting, says in 2025, the country will “undergo a historic general election.”


“I extend my warmest greetings to everyone for this coming year, and I wish you peace, happiness, safety, and success in all you do.

Globally and locally, New Year’s Day is traditionally observed as a time of renewal and hope. It is a time at which we often pause to reflect on the year past and commit to a plan for a way forward, with a view and determination to improve our lives in the coming year.

Without a doubt, 2024 has been one of the most difficult and challenging years for Trinidad and Tobago.

This was the year our country experienced unparalleled trauma and terror from the unprecedented crime and violence wave that has plunged our nation into a seemingly permanent state of darkness and despair.

Over 625 citizens were murdered, even as others suffered countless financial losses and destruction brought on by rampant home invasions, assaults, robberies, and extortions. Citizens continued to be emotionally traumatized by brutal, sadistic rapes, kidnappings, rising cases of domestic abuse, and bullying in our schools.

The ongoing, massive failures in other sectors, like health, education, and infrastructure have also resulted in the deaths of over 20 newborn babies, while countless citizens were consistently deprived of basic services like water; forced to endure non stop flooding, increased taxes, a forex crisis, rising unemployment, rising food prices, and the rising cost of living. 2024 will perhaps be remembered as one of the worst years in our nation’s history.

Yet, all is not lost, for the New Year traditionally ushers in a period of renewal, hope, and a new chance to get it right, and it is my greatest hope that in 2025, our country will once more regain the peace, prosperity, security, and progress that has eluded us in the past decade.

Indeed, 2025 is especially replete with these new possibilities since it is the year in which Trinidad and Tobago will undergo a historic general election.

This coming year, I urge all citizens to always remember that we all hold the power within us to be the change we wish to see in the world, in our country, and our lives.

Know that once we collectively and individually commit to changing our reality, restoring and rebuilding our broken nation, we will give ourselves, our children, and our country a fighting chance to greatly improve our social and economic realities, preserve our republic, and ensure our future progress and survival.

2025 is our year to make that ultimate change and positive difference in our lives, and I hope every single citizen finds the strength of character, willpower, and determination to so do.

On behalf of the UNC, my family, and myself, I wish all of you, your families, and loved one’s good health, success, happiness, protection, and peace in the New Year and always.

Happy New Year 2025, and May God continue to bless us all.”
