Opposition calls for FULs, firearms for law enforcement officers

The Opposition is calling for Firearms Users Licences and personal firearms for all law enforcement officers.

In a statement, Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar says there have been numerous reports of threats to law enforcement officers, with some acted upon.

She said, “We cannot reasonably ask our law enforcement officers to put their personal safety at risk, daily while on duty, only to leave them unprotected when they leave their workplaces. This is urgently required in light of the constant murders of law enforcement officers, with some hits reportedly being ordered from behind bars.”

Mrs Persad-Bissessar adds that such a measure has the backing of the officers themselves, with the Prison Officers’ Association General Secretary Lester Logie quoted as such.

She adds that if this is not done by the current Government, it will be done by the UNC if returned to office.

