National service can help develop our youth

COMPULSORY national service can instil crucial social skills in youths while serving as a means to earn social services support.

This programme would require all eligible citizens to dedicate a specified period of their lives to national service, such as military, community service or infrastructure projects. Through this, young adults would acquire discipline, teamwork and a strong work ethic.

Furthermore, by tying access to certain social services to one’s national service contribution, we encourage active civic participation and a sense of responsibility. Those who haven’t contributed may still receive essential services, but this linkage motivates greater engagement.

National service would serve as a comprehensive training ground, fostering not only social skills but also a deep appreciation for collective efforts and civic duty.

It can be a powerful means to cultivate a responsible and disciplined citizenry while ensuring social services are distributed to those who actively contribute to the betterment of the nation.

Gordon Laughlin
