Naparima MP: my active political career will end in 2025

Naparima MP Rodney Charles says his active political career will end in 2025.

In a statement, Mr Charles said he will not submit nomination papers to contest the 2025 General Election.

He also ventured an explanation saying, he has on numerous occasions alluded to his increasing age and “the necessity to pass the baton on to a younger generation”.

Mr Charles says he will be 76 in 2025 and that the time has come for his generation to make way for younger politicians to assume the reins of leadership.

And as he bows out, is calling on Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley to join him in “ushering in a new era of politics”.

Mr Charles says he is the oldest sitting MP in the Lower House, followed by Dr Rowley.

His message to the PM is “We must discard once and for all the notion that one has to leave TT politics either in ignominy or in a casket.”

Mr Charles also sought to dispel notions of any issues with the UNC, stating “I remain a lifetime member of the United National Congress, the only party that can take Trinidad and Tobago forward at this time. After 2025, I will continue to assist the party if called upon.”
