MP questions Elections Management Committee for UNC’s NatEx Elections

Naparima MP Rodney Charles is questioning the appointment of an Elections Management Committee to oversee upcoming UNC National Executive Elections.

Announced earlier this week, the Committee consists of Chairman Darrel Allahar, Marilyn Martin and Dr. Allen Sammy.

Mr Charles referred to the Committee as “a creature” of the party’s leadership, since it is not mentioned in the UNC’s Constitution.

He has since raised several questions such as: who appointed the members, what discussions took place prior to their appointments, and who drafted their terms of reference.

Mr Charles believes the composition of that Committee needs to be revisited, as it should ideally it consist of five members: two selected by the outgoing Executive, two by opposing slates, and an independent chair agreeable to all parties.

Mr Charles also stated that he intends to support the slate put forward by Rushton Paray in the Elections, and will assist their campaign.
