“Louti The Movie” ready for local cinema screens

“Louti The Movie” is ready to hit local cinema screens!

It’s a Bollywood themed comedy made in Trinidad and Tobago by prominent Director, Cinematographer and Editor Emmerson George- WMG LAB Records.

Filmed on location in San Fernando, the film focuses on Louti who, following the death of her husband Raj, offers guidance to their daughters to learn traditional values in a modern world.

It stars Devani Ramnath as Louti Nani Wani, alongside Samantha Maria Mungal as Roshni, Candice Lela as Sunita, and Nicholas Micwise Dopson as Raj.

For the cast and crew, this film is the realization of much hard work and passion.

Speaking with 103.1FM, Devani explains that the plot is inspired and influenced by the experiences of Candice Lela, who also serves as a producer.


As for her portrayal of Nani Wani, Devani says no effort was required since the character has been part of her creative repertoire for well over a decade!

She’s had the character in the spotlight on social media and other media projects, which helped land her a role in this movie.

The process from script to screen was also smooth for Devani, who has been in front the camera for almost her entire life as a professional dancer – she currently runs the Devani DC Dance Company.

Many would no doubt recognize her from solo performances or her time on stage with a number of top local artistes.

With that experience in the performing arts, Devani says the process was simple: she got an image in her head, worked out the scenario in her mind and focused on bringing it to life.

103.1FM also caught up with Samantha Maria, who describes “Louti The Movie” as a comedic, culturally-multifaceted production that touches on areas of spirituality, religion, death, tradition, abuse and racism.

She says, “The movie appears as comedy and bacchanal initially, but we used the platform to highlight a lot of ancestral grassroots culturing and psychological issues if viewed under critical lens. A lot of us don’t realise that we are more alike than we think because growing up with seasoned spiritual women literally engrain morals and values of discipline. We hope to teach the current generation and remind our past selves of the long time days, of the nostalgic love we used to share and bring back the true meaning of community.”

As for her role in this film, Samantha Maria believes it was “a synergy developed by fate”, since it came just after she left an 11 year corporate job to become a Creative in January 2022.

She says “Louti The Movie” allowed her to wear many hats – apart from acting, she also assisted by co-producing, casting, location scouting and contributing to the screen play ideologies.

As a creative, Samantha Maria is also a spoken word artiste and shared this piece with us:

When asked to describe “Louti The Movie” in one word, Devani choose “family”, while Samanatha Maria settled on “edutaining” which means to educate in an entertaining manner.

Brought to the Cinema Box Office by R O L L Y W O O D, “Louti The Movie” will be shown at multiple venues across T&T at 6pm on the following days:

  • Nov. 8th, at CinemaOne -CineCentral, Priceplaza.
  • Nov. 9th, at Caribbean Cinemas Trinidad, South Park.
  • Nov. 10th & 11th at Estate 101, Maraval.

Persons can reserve tickets from Committee Members:

  • North, East & West: Fashionista (868) 720-7423
  • Central: DEVANI DC (868) 742-4150
  • South: WAR for ART Trinidad & Tobago (868) 286-0606


Check out the trailer:

