Let’s aspire for a better T&T in 2024

Many may be wondering what resolution they would make for the new year. Let us keep our aspirations high for a fruitful 2024. While many can boldly say 2023 has been a good year for them, not everyone can sing this song due to things they have been through.

Our twin islands did have their ups and downs-times of victory, but also times of defeat. In 2023, there were many challenges that stood before us, and they still exist. For example, the crime situation, which is still around and seems to be getting worse, the growing poverty level, the rise in the cost of living, things such as regular water supply, poor roads, flooding, and unemployment for many seeking jobs.

We know property tax is to come on stream in 2024, with an increase in utility rates. Someone said to mebrace for another tough year. I am no prophet, but I expect and cast my faith that change will come for the better.

In my opinion, if we are going to have a productive 2024, we must all work towards this. Firstly, as a people, we must realise the strength that lies in unity and not allow pettiness to keep us divided on relevant issues affecting the nation and the citizenry.

Dialogue is always necessary, and neither of us holds all the answers, so communicating plays an important part if we are going to progress-not just with our own associates, but with all sectors of society.

The late Mother Teresa said, ‘I can do things you cannot; you can do things I cannot; together we can do great things.’ Another quote from Helen Keller on unity is this: ‘Alone, we can do so little; together, we can do so much.’ Question: are we prepared to unite for the sake of the country’s progress? We must answer that question.

Secondly, we must know that coming together is not enough (uniting), but we must be prepared to work with each other as a people. The key word here is ‘work’. Talk is necessary, but talk without action achieves nothing. Spending time planning is crucial, but if we fail to implement and work out the plan, we are just spinning top in mud. We can make promises, but if they are not fulfilled, there is no gain. This is quite noticeable at election time-a manifesto of promises, but how many come to pass? I leave the answer to you.

The late Henry Ford said it beautifully: ‘Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.’

Anyone or a nation willing to advance must be prepared to work; this is how success comes about.

Thirdly, we must adopt a ‘thrifty’ mentality. The word thriftiness is defined in the Cambridge dictionary as ‘the quality of being careful with money or resources, especially by avoiding waste’. This we can do within T&T.

I have, over the years, seen millions in taxpayers’ money go down the drain with structures that are there, not serving any purpose, ‘wastage’ that must come to an end. We do not have money flowing as before, so it is vital that we be wise in handling what is given to us.

If we are talking about unity and togetherness, we must be honest and truthful with one another. Transparency goes with serving the people; no one is excluded or above this. Let us do it together, making T&T a better place for all.

Arnold Gopeesingh San Juan
