Lack of AC, Fans hamper St. Georges College classes

With schools in full swing, the challenge for both students and teachers is battling the heat, especially in classes that are not air-conditioned.

TTUTA President Martin Lum Kin believes learning cannot take place when temperatures are too high, which he says occurs between 10am and 3pm.

He believes pupils can become distracted and uncomfortable.

Mr. Lum Kin acknowledged that installing air conditioning in schools may not be a feasible solution but hopes the Ministry of Education can help get fans or other instruments to help.

Meanwhile, several classes at St. Georges College did not start yesterday due to a lack of air-conditioning in several classrooms.

The school, originally in Barataria, is currently being housed at the UTT Teaching Facility in Valsayn due to infrastructural issues at its original building.

On Saturday, the principal requested a donation of fans to assist, during a meeting with the school’s alumni.
