Labour Ministry: work continues regarding Workplace Policy on HIV and AIDS

The Labour Ministry says the HIV Workplace Advocacy Unit will continue to advance its mandate to ensure workplaces adopt and implement the National Workplace Policy on HIV and AIDS.

This comes ahead of observances for World AIDS Day tomorrow.

The Ministry says the Unit, along with the National AIDS Coordinating Committee and other partners, have been diligently working on finalizing the draft National Strategic Plan (2023-2028), as well as the National HIV and AIDS Policy of T&T.

It anticipates that these documents will be finalized by years’ end to be laid before Cabinet for approval early in 2024.

The theme for World AIDS Day 2023 is “Let Communities Lead”.

The Ministry believes this signals a greater understanding and appreciation of the critical and necessary role of Communities in the HIV response.

It adds that here in T&T, Civil Society Organizations continue to be at the vanguard of the National Response working in tandem with the NACC and other partners, to mitigate the impact of HIV and improve the quality of life for all citizens.

The Ministry says there must continue to be support for vulnerable communities, with increased availability and quality of HIV services both at the biomedical and psychosocial levels.

It believes a reform of laws, policies and practices to tackle stigma and discrimination will provide means to protect persons living with, and or affected by HIV and AIDS.

In this regard, its Legal Services Unit, in collaboration with the HIV Workplace Advocacy Unit, conducted the first national consultation on legislation to govern HIV and AIDS in the workplace, which included tripartite stakeholders.

The second consultation will be held in Tobago in 2024.
