In support of bringing back pan to classrooms

OUR celebrated pannist Len ‘Boogsie’ Sharpe has issued a call for the return of Pan in the Classroom.

Such an idea was actual ly made some years ago, and a committee was established to oversee, promote, monitor and evaluate the programme. Unfortunately, precious little was heard from or about them.

The recognition of the pan-the only musical invention in the last century and to date by our country, and now practised in almost every country of the world-by the UN is further testimony of its tremendous effects. World recognition should be accompanied by its history and duly made known.

Some 20 years ago, there was the School Improvement Plan (SIP), funded upon approval by the Inter-American Development Bank. While it was not restricted to any subject area, many schools adopted music to enrich the curriculum.

Today, I recall getting the Pan in the Classroom programme in one week’s time at my school. That was made possible by effective planning, in anticipation of the funding which was being given at varying times and in two tranches, and subject to audit.

Each school was expected to have a SIP committee to implement as necessary. Mine included a voluntary legal adviser as we may have had to enter into contracts/agreements. Meeting with a community pan organisation, we agreed to their producing the syllabus, pans and a pan tutor based on our objectives.

In one week, we had that and our SIP was up and running at Grant Memorial Presbyterian School in San Fernando! We started on February 1, and competed at the Junior Panorama later that year, placing 11th in the country. We were the only school outside of the Port of Spain and environs and St George East education districts.

As we celebrate World Steepan Day, let us, ‘Play one for the national instrument, one sweet melody, a melody to bring back memories (and appreciation) of all the wonderful things pan doing for we.’

As we acknowledge our gift to the world, coinciding with our patriotic period of August/ September, may God bless our wonderful nation.

Lennox Sirjuesingh

