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Higher prices, lower quality

IT’S hitting me hard, this troubling trend that’s silently twisting its way into our lives, gaining momentum under the cloak of silence.

Prices are on the rise, folks, from our daily foodstuffs to the clothes on our backs. But here’s the kicker–while the numbers on prices shoot up like rockets, the quality and standard of what we get are taking a nosedive. Take a moment, let that sink in.

Imagine treating yourself to an early morning baked or fried pie, a simple joy, right?

Well, not anymore. The price for that delectable handful of what was once comfort food is climbing, and now you’re left playing a guessing game about what’s inside. And don’t get me started on a comforting bowl of soup.

Prices are sky-rocketing, and you’re wolfing down your soup like there’s no tomorrow, only to realise the first two to three spoons of dumplings were all thanks to the mysterious rise in flour costs. Even something as simple as a snow cone, a sweet relief on a hot day, has fallen victim. The cost has gone up, and that beloved original colaflavoured or guava syrup has been replaced by this strange goo that lazily floats on the ice.

In all seriousness, this trend is a stark reminder that, as consumers, we have a say in the products we support. It’s time to question these shifts in quality and stand up for our expectations. Let’s advocate for transparency and value for money. As it’s ‘we’ the consumers who experience first-hand the rising prices and diminishing standards, the call remains clear: ‘Cherish your brand, nah.’ We’re exhorting businesses to uphold their integrity and ensure that our hardearned money is invested in products that truly meet our expectations.

‘Would you support your brand?’

S Benois Selman
