Health Minister takes issue with newspaper article’s subheading

The Health Minister is calling on a local newspaper to retract and correct what he says is a misleading newspaper article subheading.

The article in question was captioned: “Medical Board meets to change regulations… Health Minister to go after ‘unqualified specialist doctors”.

Mr Terrence Deyalsingh says the subheading implies that he has stated that he and/or the Ministry were “going after unqualified specialist doctors”.

Instead, he says when contacted for a response on the issue, he stated “that the matter is to be dealt with by the Legislative Review Committee”.

Mr Deyalsingh says the implication that the Health Minister and/or the Health Ministry plans to take action against unqualified specialist doctors is erroneous, as doctors are regulated by the Medical Board of T&T.

To further clarify, he says there is a package of draft legislative amendments to amend the Medical Board Act, including amendments to the requirements for being registered as a medical specialist.
According to the Minister, the package of draft legislative amendments was based on recommendations from the Medical Board of T&T and is still under review.

