The Works Minister is expected to speak more today on issues raised about the Trestrail Housing Project in D’Abadie.
UNC MP Dr Roodal Moonilal used his budget debate yesterday to highlight a report on the housing project which outlined concerns about defects on the townhouses.
In a media release, the HDC says a contract was awarded to Ricky Raghunanan Limited in 2019 for the construction of 110 townhouse units.
In 2021, it says the HDC had concerns about structural issues on the project and hired a consulting firm to conduct a study, which did identify a number of defects.
The HDC says it has called on the contractor to rectify the defects and notes that it will not take possession of the townhouses or pay the contractor until the defects are remedied.
The HDC says the Minister will further ventilate the facts today but gave no other details.