HDC refutes claims of tenants being politically targeted

The HDC is refuting claims that it is politically targeting tenants in its collection drives.

The allegation was recently levelled by Oropouche East MP Dr Roodal Moonilal.

In a statement, the HDC dismissed this as being “false but misleading”.

It also insists that before tenants are evicted, there is a process by which attempts are made to have the persons settle their outstanding arrears.

It says, “Before eviction, a Letter of Arrears is sent to delinquent tenants. Failure to respond to the Letter or contact the Corporation will result in their names being published in the three daily newspapers and/or HDC’s social media pages. Tenants are then invited to visit the Corporation to settle debts, make a 50% payment of the arrears – with the understanding that the balance be paid over six months – or develop a reasonable payment plan. Failure to do so will result in the HDC issuing a Notice to Quit – Notices given to registered tenants who breach their respective agreements – which informs tenants they should vacate the premises within no less than 30 days. Even after the NTQ is served, tenants can visit the Corporation to settle their debts or develop a reasonable payment plan.”

The HDC maintains accommodates are also often made for those in dire financial circumstances, as well as the elderly and differently-abled, who are unable to upkeep their monthly payments.
