Gavaskar honoured with plaque at Queens Park Oval

India’s cricket legend Sunil Gavaskar was given a plaque on Friday at the Queens Park Oval during the West Indies vs. India Test, to commemorate his contribution to the sport.

Gavaskar and the Oval have history, as the batsman made his debt for India on March 6th 1971, and quickly made an impact on the international scene against a then-fierce West Indies squad.

The Little Master as he fondly known as, has been adored by fans in T&T for decades since his debut, and even when he subsequently returned for other series against the hosts.

During the current Test, Gavaskar, who is a commentator for the Indian networks, even took time to green fans in the stands, and was serenaded by popular nuts vendor ‘Jumbo’ with the famous calypso penned after him by Lord Relator [see video below]

President of the Queen’s Park Cricket Club Dr Nigel Camacho presented Gavaskar with the plaque along with QPCC executive member Colin Murray.
