Fire destroys family home in Fyzabad

Seven persons are now homeless, following a fire at Delhi Road Fyzabad where a dwelling was destroyed.

The family welcomed a newborn the day before tragedy, as the couple also has four other children, with the oldest being eight.

According to a Newsday article, 23 year old Nakeisha Nicholas said she heard of the incident while she was at hospital to give birth.

The wooden structure and all of its contents were destroyed around 6:30 on Wednesday 23rd August.

No one was injured in the blaze, as the other children were with their grandmother in Mon Repos during that time.

The family is now asking for any assistance, as many items bought for the newborn was also burnt.

According to the Newsday article, Nicholas called on anyone who wants to help to contact her at 276-1176.

The cause of the fire was yet to be determined.
