EMA asks public to help preserve turtle nesting sites

Special permission is needed to view the nesting turtles at three sites: Matura Beach, Fishing Pond Beach, and Grande Riviere.

The season runs until August 31st, and the EMA is asking the public to help preserve these sites, among the many others where turtles nest.

Other nesting sites of importance include, but are not limited to Las Cuevas, Blanchisseuse, Yarra, Sena, Cocos Matelot, Paria, Chacachacare and Toco (Red Sand, Salybia, Patience) in Trinidad and, Stonehaven Beach (Grafton), Hermitage, Cotton Bay, Richmond, Dead Bay, Mt Irvine, Little Rockly Bay, Englishman’s Bay, Bloody Bay, and Courland in Tobago.

There are five sea turtle species that have been designated as Environmentally Sensitive, including the Green, Hawksbill, Leatherback, Loggerhead and Olive Ridley.

The EMA says persons who knowingly or recklessly allows any activity to have an adverse impact on these species or the areas can be imprisoned for two years and fined $100,000.

“According to the Environmental Management Act, Chapter 35:05: ‘Any person who knowingly or recklessly undertakes or conspires to allow any activity in an ‘environmentally sensitive area’ or with respect to an ‘environmentally sensitive species’ designated under Section 41, which may have an adverse impact on the environment within such area or on such species, commits an offence…’’ Citizens must also note that individuals who commit an offence involving any of the ESS, including the five (5) turtles, can be imprisoned for two (2) years and pay a fine of $100,000.00. ”

Breaches can be reported via the EMA’s hotline Hotline at 367-8824 (submit contact information, locations, photos or video recordings ONLY from mobile devices. What’s app calls are not available on this service) or complaints@ema.co.tt or 226-4EMA (4362) Ext #5.
